Girl Scouts is open to all girls from K-12th grade. Our Community primarily serves girls within the attendance area for Spring Lake Park Schools – including charter, homeschool and private school students.
To join Girl Scouts, a fee is paid to Girl Scouts River Valleys. To explore troops in our area, you may contact our Community Team.
Girl Scout levels are as follows:
- Daisies: Grades K-1
- Brownies: Grades 2-3
- Juniors: Grades 4-5
- Cadettes: Grades 6-8
- Seniors: Grades 9-10
- Ambassadors: Grades 11-12
As girls mature, each level opens up new opportunities for adventure and service. While many people are most familiar with the youngest Scouts wearing blue and dark brown, our Community is known for retaining girls well into teen years, where they wear a light brown vest and execute projects in pursuiit of the highest awards in Girl Scouting – the Silver and Gold Awards.